The benefits of poultry are many! A series of articles to give you as much information and news awaits you on our blog.

The benefits of poultry meat
Poultry and eggs are among the most widely consumed foods in the world, with very diverse cultures, traditions and religions. Consumption of poultry meat, and food of animal origin in general, has seen a fast increase over the last decades.…

Poultry meat processing
Among the daily concerns and occupations of people, there has been, over time, the production and preparation of products in order to provide food and feed the body. Throughout history, nutrition has constantly evolved and developed closely…

What is MDM Meat?
Of all the variety of animal-based products that provide food for people, meat ranks first, given its high content of nutrients, protein, fat, vitamins and mineral salts, and also high digestibility. Another aspect that contributes significantly…