Poultry and eggs are among the most widely consumed foods in the world, with very diverse cultures, traditions and religions. Consumption of poultry meat, and food of animal origin in general, has seen a fast increase over the last decades. Demand growth has been mostly driven by population growth, urbanisation and revenue growth in the case of developing countries. Chicken is the one that dominates meat consumption, being generally at accessible prices, low in fat, and facing few religious and cultural barriers. Poultry meat, especially chicken breasts, contributes to our nutrition by providing high quality protein and low fat content with an ideal fatty acid profile.

Estimates show that demand for poultry meat will continue to grow due to the increase of population and increased individual consumption, and this is one of the reasons why C & C Food Packaging wants to provide you with high quality chicken meat products, at the highest standards, from chicken breast, boneless chicken breast, chicken minced meat, meat minced meat or mechanically separated chicken. Chicken has become more and more sought after, leading to a significant increase in production and sales. Meat products have the highest share (over 70%) and are steadily increasing. When it comes to Romanian cuisine, the category of basic dishes in the menu structure contains a great deal of minced meat foods, prepared either from a simple mix or from one associated with vegetables or sauces. The actual mince is a basic composition, resulting from shredding the meat  with the use of tools, machines and special equipment. C & C Food Packaging offer you meat processing equipment at the best price-quality ratio with the latest technology, dedicated to your needs.

Among the daily concerns and occupations of people, there has been, over time, the production and preparation of products in order to provide food and feed the body. Throughout history, nutrition has constantly evolved and developed closely with the occupations and activities of people and societies. Thus, in addition to social, economic or administrative activities, food has always been a central concern. Therefore, regardless of the social class, regardless of mood, food could never be ignored. On the contrary, it was the foundation of the development of peoples and societies everywhere.

Even though eating habits and habits related to this aspect of everyday life have changed throughout history of all peoples, by adapting and evolving, a diversity of foods, that is impossible to know entirely, was created. Chicken contains all the essential amino acids needed for human food and has no fat inside or between the muscle fibers. In addition, meat and poultry are a rich source of mineral salts and vitamins. As in many other industries, the meat industry has become more and more mechanised in its production, often by using machines when it comes to slaughter chicken and to replace much of manual labor. The purpose of these machines or equipments is to cut the chicken meat away from the bone, and to avoid scattering the bones in the product. This aspect, along with the high volumes involved in meat production, means that there is a considerable amount of chicken meat, muscular, of good quality, left on the carcasses. This valuable resource must be carefully cut so that it can be used in meat products and in what specialists call premium meat.


With modern equipment and state-of-the-art technologies, the food industry and, in particular, the meat industry has seen a significant development, which contributes to the achievement of high-quality products. Poultry meat occupies an important place in human nutrition due to its quality. Unlike other domestic animals that are reared for meat, the chicken has the advantage of providing fresh meat, due to its low body weight. Poultry meat, in the broad sense of the word, means skeletal muscles together with natural connective tissues: connective, bone, oily, blood vessels and lymph, nerves and skin. Sometimes this category also includes edible organs: heart, liver, gizzard, spleen.

Whether it’s a butchery or a company in the Horeca industry, in order to make the shift from frozen products to fresh products or from medium quality to gourmet products, technological development is essential and, by choosing the right equipment, both standards and product quality will increase, along with your company sales. Machinery and equipment, such as thermoforming machines, meat saws, meat processing machines, slicing machines, helps in the production of food products, and performs various operations in the production process, thus ensuring increased labor productivity, on the one hand, and the achievement of tasks and processes in optimal and high quality terms, according to technological specifications, on the other hand. This can also reduce production costs, reduce physical effort by introducing mechanization and automation, but without affecting the quality, thus obtaining good quality products, whose characteristics are in line with current standards and norms.

For a safe and profitable development of your business, machinery and equipment used in the food industry must meet a number of requirements: from the design stage, as it must be provided with modern systems that incorporate the new scientific research results. Also, the active parts of the machinery, which come in direct contact with the raw material, must be made of stainless steel. In the case of assemblies of operating parts at very high speeds, they must be fitted with static and dynamic balancing systems and the components of the machine shall consist of assemblies and easily assembled subassemblies.

Astfel se poate obține și o reducere a costurilor de producţie, reducere a efortului fizic prin introducerea mecanizării şi automatizării, dar se pot obține produse de bună calitate, a căror caracteristici se încadrează în standardele și normele în vigoare. Pentru o dezvoltare sigură și profitabilă a afacerii dumneavoastră, maşinile şi utilajele folosite în industria alimentarã trebuie sã respecte o serie de cerinţe: încă din faza de proiectare, acestea trebuie sã fie prevãzute sisteme moderne ce înglobeazã noile rezultate ale cercetărilor stiinţifice din domeniu. De asemeni, părțile active ale utilajelor, cele care intră în contact direct cu materia primă, trebuie să fie realizate din oțel inoxidabil alimentar. În ceea ce privește ansamblurile de piese ce lucreazã la turaţii foarte mari, acestea trebuie sã fie prevãzute cu sisteme de echilibrare staticã şi dinamică, iar pãrţile componente ale maşinii sã fie constituite din ansamble şi subansamble uşor cuplabile.

Of all the variety of animal-based products that provide food for people, meat ranks first, given its high content of nutrients, protein, fat, vitamins and mineral salts, and also high digestibility. Another aspect that contributes significantly to the popularity of this kind of food is the suitability of meat and meat products to preserve. 

With modern equipment and state-of-the-art technologies, the food industry and, in particular, the meat industry has seen a significant development, which contributes to the achievement of high-quality products. n this way, chicken becomes a value-added food product, which, besides the high-quality nutritional composition, also contains substances that are beneficial to human health. 

The two most important quality characteristics for poultry are related to its appearance and its texture. The aspect is essential both for the initial selection of the consumer and for the satisfaction level of the final product. The texture is the most important sensory property that affects the final quality evaluation.


Mechanically deboned meat, as well as the first mechanical meat deboning techniques, became popular in the 1950s, when several types of tools were developed in order to remove meat and connective tissues from animal carcasses, to minimise the amount of waste and the waste of some significant amounts of nutrients. MDM meat production and consumption has grown heavily in the countries where industrial agriculture suffered from insufficient productivity, as it had to supply massive quantities of meat. These were regularly requested, in huge amounts, for very widespread consumption. Thus, in the 1960s, tools and machines that automated this process were created,  and so the productivity was positively influencd. This development has given companies the opportunity to use a larger amount of meat, to reduce losses and also to create new products in order to satisfy the need of a growing market. From hot dogs, burgers and mortadella, both mechanically separated meats and minced meat are now in great demand, as they represent the raw material for some of the most popular dishes.